For its 40th edition and 20th anniversary, Design Fair Paris has decided to pay tribute to the most mythic couple of history of design : Ray & Charles Eames.
The exhibition-event
"Exhibition : Tribute to Ray and Charles Eames"
The furniture, designed between 1941 and 1978 by Ray and Charles Eames, is undoubtedly one of the bestsellers of the Puces du Design, but also certainly of the entire design market.
Their creations illustrate the successful alliance between rationalization, technology ... and the balance of shapes, materials ... references to organic forms of the human body and nature, but also a sincere and humanistic concern for the comfort and quality at a moderate price.
The pieces designed by the Charles & Ray Eames couple more than 70 years ago have been sold in several million copies; be it the versions of the official publishers Hermann Miller for the United States and Vitra for Europe and the Middle East, or the vintage models passionately found by antique designers who still look for old and original editions bearing the traces of the work of experimentation and declination of the couple.

Pair of Eames Eiffel Tower chairs , DKR-1 ,lovely original turquoise bikini pads with early Herman Miller California labels , original feet ©ZigZag Modern
For its 20th anniversary and its 40th edition, Design Fair Paris X Les Puces du Design has decided to pay tribute to this exemplary couple whose creations, became icons of design, still have their place in our interiors and our spaces of work, as their design still meets today our expectations and our tastes ...
Charles Eames said he hated the idea of «style» as much as that of making «the new». However, driven by concerns more noble than mere marketing injunctions, he has managed, in osmosis with his wife Ray, literally revolutionized the design of the seats in particular and to infuse them, in all modernity, an emotional charge that still operates today.

Eames armshells ....rope edge on the X base behind , others all from the 50’s /60’s ©ZigZag Modern

Eames lounger , stunning rosewood grain pattern , caramel leather , Herman Miller ©ZigZag Modern

3 Eames Rockers , all from the same original owner...bought circa late 50’s / early 60’s , all are the same parchment colour . Eames 400 series ESU from the early 50’s ©ZigZag Modern
This exceptional presentation of furniture designed by Ray & Charles is done in collaboration with the Gallerist Nigel Wells from Zig Zag Modern...